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RORO Ferry Boat - Surigao City to Benit, San Ricardo, Leyte and Vice Versa

The shortest and cheapest way in going to Leyte from Mindanao is thru RORO ferry from Surigao City to Benit, San Ricardo, Leyte compared to the route of Surigao City to Liloan, Leyte.
Approaching Benit, San Ricardo port. 
The average trip from Surigao City to Benit, San Ricardo port only took an hour and 30 mins and my niece (who is frequent traveler in this area) even experienced it for only 45 minutes while the average sailing time from Surigao to Liloan port is 4 hours but it has more ferry boats available plus six fastcat trips daily to and from Liloan, Leyte - Lipata, Surigao .

daily schedule of FasCat

Normally there are 3 ferry boats sailing from Surigao City Port to San Ricardo and vice versa but as of this writing there is only one boat available since the other 2 were on dry dock. All the three boats were operated by Montegro Shipping Lines, Inc.

the only ferry boat sailing from Surigao Port to Benit, San Ricardo

Tickets will be purchased directly at their office at the Surigao Port Passenger Terminal at Borromeo St, Surigao City. While if you are leaving from San Ricardo, Leyte, tickets will be purchased at their office right infront of the port gate.
All these were operated by

The rates are as follows:

There is no fixed schedule of the ferry boat both in Surigao port and San Ricardo, as long as all the passengers and vehicles are loaded and after all the coast guard's SOP were done the boat will leave. But approximately it leaves every 4 to 5 hours depending on the time spent on off loading and loading of all the passengers and vehicles.
Benit, San Ricardo port

For inquiries you may leave a message at their FB page.

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